PayControl library version 3 3.6.6 Add x86 support for Android emulator 3.6.7 Move showPDF method to separate class PDFView Move out PDFView java-classes from pdfless version of library 3.6.8 Fix TLSv1.2 forcing PayContol library version 4 4.0.0 Initial 4th version 4.0.1 Fix TLSv1.2 forcing 4.0.2 Change fingerprint calculation method to save fingerprint value after reinstall Move out SQLLite migration 4.0.3 Add arm64-v8a binaries 4.0.4 Fix library dependicies 4.0.5 Add setHandlesBackgroundTimeout method Improve handle app background/foreground 4.0.6 Fix ciphers blocks in multi-threading access 4.0.7 Handling when the app enters background/foreground is fixed for cases when the app does not inherit class PayControlApplication 4.0.8 The set of target ABIs is updated 4.0.9 The support for Android 4.x is improved by fixing some intermittent bugs related to usage of Spongy Castle and UTF-8 representation 4.0.10 PDFs are now removed after processing the transaction so that the cache directory is not overloaded anymore 4.0.11 SDK is refactored so that it can be safely embedded in apps targeting API 30 4.0.12 Added support of HMS in order to allow pushes on Huawei devices 4.0.13 Improved null-safety measures when working with Shared Preferences