- PCKeysManager
Creates and manages assymetric keypairs
- PCAutoSigner
Class for autosigning transactions
- PCScoringParameters
Parameters provided by a scoring system
The root class of The PCSDK
- PCOperationsManager
objects - PCUserRestore
Restores and backups users
- PCParameters
An additional parameters to send with requests
- PCTransactionsManager
Creates and manages PCTransaction objects
- PCUsersManager
Creates and manages PCUser objects
- RegistrationResult
- Endpoint
Holds info about enpoint
- Request
The helper struct to communicate with PCSDK server
- ResponseType
The coding keys to decode server responses
- RenewKeyChallenge
Holds info for renewing user
- KeyPair
references of a keypair - DeviceInfo
Collects info about device
- PushAddress
Contains info for push notifications
- PCScoringSettings
The scoring setting provided by the PC server
- PushNotificationsService
Service of push notifications
- PCExtendedAuthTemplate
Contains extended authentication template data
- PCLoggingCategory
The category of the log message
- PCLoggingOptions
The level of the logging of sdk events
- PCOperation
Struct which contains group of transactions
- PCOperation.Description
- PCProcessingRequest
Holds operation's processing data
- PCCertificateInfo
The info about user's certificate request and certificate
- PCLogin
Struct contains information about login session
- PCRenewRequest
Holds user's renew data
- PCUserBackupData
The user's backup data
- PCConfirmation
Contains data for confirming transaction in offline mode
- PCDeclination
Contains data for declining transaction in offline mode
- PCResult
Holds the result of the sign or decline operation
- PCTransaction
The struct that holds information about a transaction
- Snippet
The snippet of te transacrion
- PCUser
The struct that holds information about a user
- PCUserOptions
User's options provided by the server
- Endpoint.HTTPMethod
The HTTP method
- PCQRType
The type of a SDK's object provided by QR code or
if the type is unknown - PCSDK.Mode
SDK's using mode
- PCError
Common SDK's error type
- PCServerError
SDK's network error type
- PCExtendedAuthType
Available types for extended authentication
- PCCertificateInfo.Status
The certificate status
- PCConfirmationType
The required type for confirmation
- TextRenderType
The render type of the text
- TransactionType
The type of the transaction
- PCKeysProcessorPolicy
External keys processor policy.
- PCPasswordPolicy
Keys password policy.
- PCLoggerProtocol
The protocol to implement external logger
- KeysProcessor
Manages elliptic-curve asymmetric keypairs and signes digests
- SecKey